Wish Fall

4.4 ( 1894 ratings )
Hry Zábava Arcade Puzzle
Vývojář: Joseph Carlson


Each falling star has a wish in it. To make sure the wish comes true you must activate it by catching the star with its matching (color) cauldron. The cauldron consumes the star, grants the wish, and extract the stars Wish Power. Wish Power is used for the games score and currency for upgrades.


Stars cannot be moved by the player, but cauldrons can. Cauldrons are dragged horizontally, swapping places with the adjacent cauldron as it moves. Cauldrons extend below the surface to the bottom of the screen, so you can place your finger below a cauldron to drag it.

Double tap a cauldron to fire a harpoon which will grab the first star it hits, and quickly drag it to the cauldron.

Stars can be energized. Energized stars have increased Wish Power. To create an energize star, tap anywhere in the middle of the screen. Energized stars have a trail of small stars following it. Energized stars appear independent to the current waves schedule. You control the number and frequency of energized stars by how often you tap the screen.

Consuming 5 energized stars will unlock the bonus bar. Click the bonus bar when its flashing, and select one of the available bonuses from the bonus menu. There are 3 bonuses to choose from. The score multiplier is always available, and the extra lives and frost barrier can be permanently unlocked with Wish Power.


Hi Score Leaderboard
Hi Energized Star Leaderboard
10 Achievements
Upgrade Shop
One finger gameplay
Unique energized star mechanic which allows you to control the difficulty.


Wish Power (score) - Wish Power is used as the games score, and as currency for upgrades.

Pause - Brings up the pause menu. From the Pause menu you can go to the main menu, resume current game , or restart current game.

Level - Shows your progress through the game.
Lives - If it is reduced to zero the game is over.
Score Multiplier - A multiplier that is applied when calculating a stars wish power.

Bonus Icon - Each energized star consumed reduces its transparency. Once 5 energized stars have been consumed the bonus icon will start to flash. Click on it to activate the bonus menu.

[Bonus menu]

Frost Barrier - An option from the bonus menu. It is activated by the first unaligned star that hits it. Once activated it is consumed, and freezes all the stars on the screen for 8 seconds. Only one Frost Barrier can be active at a time.

Epic Wishes - An option from the bonus menu. It increases your current lives value by one.

Dark Coal - Increases your cauldrons current efficiency (score multiplier) by 25%. The score multiplier resets to its base number when a star is lost.


Dragon Scales - Coat your cauldrons with dragon scales to increase their base score multiplier by 1.

Dream Fire - Charges the cauldrons so that they can consume any star. Dream fire last for 8 seconds, and has a 2 minute cool down.

Dream Charge - Each charge reduces the cool down on Dream Fire by 5 seconds.

[End Game]

A wish is lost when a star is consumed by the wrong cauldron. Losing a wish, reduces your lives. If your lives are reduced to zero the game is over.


Quickly consume all the stars of the current wave, and then create some energized stars before the next wave starts.